Evolution of Style

Bringing Sexy Back

Fellas if you haven’t noticed men’s fashion is rapidly changing. It’s less about the simplicity of putting a shirt and pant together and more about the details. Men are reinvesting in how they look which means throwing on a shirt, jeans, and the first pair of shoes you see is played out like an eight-track! (By the way, I feel compelled to let you know that this is not your father’s blog nor is it your son’s blog. This blog is for the men that check the 30+ block on surveys). There was a time when men really cared about the way they looked and right around the time  MC Lyte came out with “Gotta get a rough neck” it all went downhill. Well 2016 is here and 2017 is just around the corner and today’s man is no longer satisfied with doing just enough. In fact, today’s man is not only embracing this new culture of “looking your best” they’re putting their own spin on it. So if you’re not already taking how you look seriously it’s time to level up.

So I’m sure the next question is how do I upgrade my current style. Start by following the steps below:

  1. Self-Assessment. Really take a look in the mirror ask yourself  “do I look like I care, and I mean genuinely care, about how I look”.
  2. Evaluate your Shoe Game. Are your shoes in good shape or do they need to be replaced?
  3. Personal Hygiene. Do you shave and get a haircut regularly? Do you have a signature fragrance? Do you walk around with dry or ashy skin?

If you have answered yes to all three questions you are off to a good start. If you answered no to any of the questions don’t beat yourself up we have all put ourselves on the back burner from time to time. But I promise that in 2017 you’re just not going to be able to get away with that anymore, not when you have MMA fighter like Conor McGregor killing the style game as well as hit tv shows like HBO’s Ballers and Starz’ Power putting a new spin on made-to-measure suits. Now don’t panic! The style police will not expect you to walk out the door tomorrow with a whole new look, however, you will be expected to put in a little more effort and fortunately for you, I will be here to give you what you need to look your very best.

I’m crazy excited about taking you on this new style journey so be subscribe to my blog follow me on Instagram (Six21Studio),  or Facebook (Six21) to get notifications.


Stylist: Sharee Sloan.  Photo Credit: Rondell Lane.  Model: Kirk Thorpe